Geometry and architecture are two inseparable disciplines. It is interesting to go out and analyse the space to know it in depth and organize it. Geometry had been present from the first constructions made by a human. Some examples are the Egyptian pyramid, temples, domes, etc.
In the video, as you have seen the different geometrical figures appear first in two dimensions, then the transformation into three dimensions, and finally it appear as examples of the figures in different structures and buildings. Furthermore, it explains the more complex concept of geometry. This video is so interesting for the third stage of primary education and could be used to reinforce all the concept worked.
Piktochart is an infographic application based on the web that allows users without so much experience as graphic designers, to create infographics and visual elements through the use of thematic templates.
It could be an interesting resource to be used by students. In this application, they can use pictures, conceptual maps, writings, drawings, among other things. It could be a great option to lead them to express one topic through a visual and pretty way.
Here, I give you the link to my infographic made in Piktochart. The infographic has totally relation with geometry since it is about the relation of geometry concepts with basketball as a motivational way because sports can be used to teach geometry. I invite you to go in it, to see the infographic and also to explore the application.
A solid figure is an element that has three dimensions. They are geometrical figures that have volume and take up a place in the space.
In the teaching of the solid figures, the teacher has to remind their knowledge about figures in the plane. Maybe the teacher can combine two ways of teaching solid figures.
On the one hand, he or she can show them the figures in 3 dimension and from it go depth in the development of the figures.
On the other hand, the teacher can start asking children how to build a cylinder. In this way, the teaching of the solid figures will start from the development and go to the build of the figure.
In my opinion, the better option is to mix both ways of teaching these figures. Maybe we can start with the first way and then when they have understood the meaning of three dimension figures and how to develop it, they can use the development of the figure to build it.
In this picture, you can see an example of how they can build a three-dimensional figure on their own.
To get an understanding of the characteristics and properties of these figures, teachers can use a huge variety of resources.
One way could be to encourage them to compare the characteristics of the figures on the plane with solid figures.
Another option is to start finding the main characteristics of a figure by using direct observation. Moreover, in the teaching-learning process of solid geometry, it is interesting to use manipulative resources, as well as, relate the figures with quotidian objects that students see every day. And for this, it is not necessary to spend money. If the school don't have this type of three-dimensional materials, teachers can use an object from the classroom or even simple materials.
Some resources could be the use of gummies, pasta, cylinders of toilet paper, plasticine, clay, or any object that have different figures to study. Also, it is interesting to use the ITC in which they can make exercises and practices about the theme.
This video is an interesting resource that can be used to introduce the topic to the students. From the video, they can identify the different solid figures. Furthermore, the geometrical figures are related to the object that they have in their lives. The video is only one example of an interesting tool that can be used in class.
Today I show you two one video one webpage that could be interesting.
The video show children geometrical shapes through the main character that is a train called Bob. First, it is made a presentation by each character. Then they ask questions of the spectator to know what they need to build a house, a car, a table, etc. Therefore the video introduces and makes children think meanwhile they are relating the geometrical figures with the quotidian objects. It is a long video in which they work with language and other aspects, however, in the class, we can put the part of the video that is adequate for the subject. This video came from a series called Bob el tren de Aventuras, in which we could get other resources as a song with the figures among other aspects.
The video is adequate for children of the first cycle of primary education, and concretely for the first course. It could be used as the starting point of the topic or as a motivational video. In the first of primary education, we have to introduce them to several concepts, but we have to keep in mind the transition. For what a song could be a great way.
Smartphones and tablets are the devices most used by children of different ages. For this reason, the use of these elements as an instrument to learn could contribute to the interest of the students to the subject.
There are a lot of applications for Android or iOS that can be used to learn geometry. Dragon Box Elements is one good example of them. In it, children learn geometry through games. It has different chapters and puzzles. In addition, it has so attractive graphics. The following video show different puzzles of the game.