Thursday, 9 May 2019

What is geometry?

Little by little, we are going to go in deep in the didactics of geometry, but first, what do you understand when you read the word "geometry"?

If we analyse the word, we obtain other words that give us an interesting concept of geometry. First, we get "Geo" it is referred to the Earth. And then, we get "Metry" it is referred to the measurement. 

If we go on the Internet and search it, the RAE (2019), define the Geometry as the study of the properties and magnitudes of the figures in the plane or in the space. Also, we have to include or keep in mind that the geometry study ideal objects obtained by the abstraction of qualities from the real space

From this broad definition, you get a better idea of what we are talking, and maybe you feel very interested in the theme. But...
Do you think it is important to learn geometry at school?

The geometry is present in our daily life through the language and in all objects we touch. It is applied in reality in different field of knowledge as in the architecture, sculpture, sports, etc.  Probably, you did not take into account that we are surrounded by geometry. In schools, children should start to observe and understand these figures, as well as understand the geometrical expressions that citizens use in their quotidian language. As the geometry is present in every day of each child, it is easier to get a relation with their closed world and the activities that they practise daily. It will allow children to learn the different aspect in a significative way in which they can apply to their life. In addition, it fosters the development and improvement of the spatial perception of the student which is a necessary skill that facilitates their lives.

In the following pictures, you can see different quotidian images that I see every day, which are examples of the presence of geometry in our lives. I encourage you to observe your surroundings and discover the geometrical figures! Maybe you will be surprised by the number of different figures you find!

Own creation

Own creation


RAE. (2019). Diccionario de la lengua española. Retrieved from

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